Welcome to my blog. :D Made for Indie-music lovers, ect, etc. : D

Monday, November 15, 2010

Today's sorrows.

Ahhh, today was ehh, and before you all go insane, there is no IMM :( even though Indie Music Mondays are the main reason I post at all on mondays, I felt the need to post. oh yeah, and there is no IMM mainly because I did'nt really get the feel of any albums that were worth album of the week. I still will credit Kid Cudi's new album that was released last tuesday,Man On The Moon II:The Legend Of Mr.Rager mainly because I love that man. And to say, It lived up to it's expections; I have memorized about almost every song from the album since the day it came out. I didnt think it should be album of the week yet, but it may get there. still you should check it out.

On another note, there are a couple of things I,m happy about. such as
-I found my TOMS shoe that I lost last week that I was looking every where for (and it sucks because if you lose one, It feels like you'll never find it because they are so small.)
-I get to borrow/possibly have my great grandmother's teal cardigan that my mom found (i'm sorry but I have a heart for vintage stuff, and cardigans, and teal. sue me. :D)
-I discoverd my new Favorite TV show on sundays; Dexter. I <3 that show to the bajillionth power.

and that's about it. everything else is crap. I have a TON of work to do, everthing is a mess and I feel like there never any time to do anything,EVER. so heres to my my short, crappy, blog post, pathetic life,and addiction to procrastionation. I look forward to posting a better blog tomorrow. hopefully. :D

Monday, November 8, 2010

Indie Music Monday: Scissor Sisters - Night Work


Hello fellow hipsters and outcasts, i must apologize for my absence. BUT, I come with great gifts; a new blog almost every day and *In Oprah's voice* INDIE MUSIC MONDAYS! since Volleyball season is over, and I have no social life other than facebook, I'll be blogging alot more often. :DD

So, on another note, laying on my couch, singing the tune of Genius of love by the Tom Tom Club, I realized It was Monday. (duh.) I was waiting for Monday to come so I could post my album of the week. :D(I was building up with anticipation!) Majority of the weekend I was in a nostalgic haze listening to old school rap on Pandora radio, but scrolling down my youtube favorites list, and long behold,"Any Which Way" by the Scissor sisters catches my eye. This video Is freaking amazing if you haven't seen it. I click on it and watch it for mmm, maybe the 20th time, and scroll down to the comments and see what peeps have been saying. reading one comment, it said to check out the song "Fire with Fire", so I figured "hey, why not?" when I listened to this song, It was so amazing!so I sat and listened to the whole album. and I'm happy to present you with this week's album of the week. What is so great about this album is that, it has AMAZING flow. Night Work has songs that are funky,and make you wanna dance, songs that just make you want to sing, and some that makes you want to strut down the street with your head phones blaring. Also, it has this new york party scene theme with neon, lots of neon, and just the musical structure is very great. This album had alot of visuals that are really cool. overall I say this album is 5/5. just freakin amazing. :DDD

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The most amazing thing Evar. :D


I love this book. seriously. when I first saw it I knew I had to get it. this coloring book features the essential know-whos of indie rock. Featuring coloring pages of artists Like MGMT, Broken Social Scene, Wolf Parade,etc. this book is amazing. and the most amazing part of it is that all the royalties goes to charities. Yellow bird Project is a Montreal- based group that bands together with Indie musicians to design tees, hoodies and other merchandise that donates the proceeds too all different kinds of charities.not only Is it a great coloring book, the money actually goes somewhere important.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I 'Is' Back!!!

Helllos :D to everyone.:) I'm so sorry I went AWOL/MIA on you guys!!! I have jus been so busy lately with everything and my obsession with Etsy.com, and my vacation planning, and the concerts.Oh, the concerts! has been super awsome going with one of my newly Indie-music obssesed best friends, christopher. :D looking back on how long I was gone, that was very unessesary, and I promise no to do it again. :) but, I promise that I will post more ...posts and regain your trust. :) and so here's a gift, from me, to you

Video I recorded from one of the conecerts I went to. Plus, from one of my favorite Indie bands in Las Vegas, Imagine Dragons.